Heyy Mariah.....Are you done with the drinking???

I don't know what's going on with Mariah Carey lately, but she is on a roll with these drunk speeches. In my opinion she should retire,but being that she is married to Nick Cannon she has to bring home the BACON. ((Still confused how these two even got together)) . Last night at the People's Choice Awards, homegirl was tad bit sloppy walking up when she recieved her award. ((Of course she blames the dress)) Her husband had to help her. However I think she was WASTED! Her eyes were low.. I guess she really took to the Jamie Foxx song "Blame It". At the Palm Springs International Film Festival she was CLEARLY intoxicated.

Mariah--> "Please forgive me because I’m a little bit…” she said before someone in the audience responded, “Drunk!” to which she replied, “Yeah.”

Here's the link see for yourself  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH4HzQ1D1uw

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