When I think of worst diease I believe any human can have, I honestly believe its addication. I believe addication is the worst because you have a choice in the matter. Wheather its someone who is addicated to sex,drugs,or liquor. Don't get me wrong someone can be addicated to anything such as video games. However, how do you know as the peron to say okay I had enough or even as a person looking into someone's addication to tell them to stop. I got inspired to write about this because I was watching intervention on Robbie who was in the group City High, and hearing his story amazed me how things can come and go so quickly. The correct meaning is An addiction is an obsession, compulsion, or excessive psychological dependence. To have something stripped away simply because you were addicated to such a thing, has to be the worst feeling ever. I don't know anyone personally who is addicated to drugs,or anything of that nature, but seeing the dude Robbie I feel somewhat embarassed for him.If you guys didn't get a chance to see the show check your local listings its pretty real and deep. Here's a clip
Just my thought
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